Want to lose weight for your wedding? Here are the training tips, workouts, and even wedding-diet advice to help you look and feel your best on your big day!

Congratulations, you're getting married!

Planning a wedding is definitely a fun, albeit stressful, endeavor. Amid the mania of needing to choose color schemes, select bridesmaids, work, run errands, and finalize the frosting flavor on your wedding cake, you're also probably worried about how you're going to look in your dress.

While we can't book your honeymoon, figure out where to hold your reception, or tell you how to deal with drunk Uncle Tony, we do know fitness. We'll give you all the tools you need to look and feel your best on your big day—and that means one less thing for you to stress about.

Follow the steps below and use the training plans and nutrition advice to rock whatever dress you say "yes" to.


One of the best ways to avoid the will-I-fit-into-my-dress worry is to have a plan of action. Don't worry: we've already done all the legwork for you. All you need to know is what type of dress you're wearing and the tentative date of your final fitting.

Each type of dress will accentuate your body in a different way. With our program, you can choose a workout plan based on the shape of your dress. Each of the dresses below will take you to a recommended training program that will help accentuate those highlighted body parts.

(If your dress is not among the choices we've provided, no sweat—you can still use all of this information to look amazing at your wedding!)


At Bodybuilding.com, we don't advocate extreme dieting. We want you to make healthy, long-term changes to your lifestyle that will help you sculpt some muscles and burn some fat!

Ideally, we recommend that you begin a fitness regimen at least 12 weeks before your wedding day. However, if that's not the case, we've provided ample information that will help you shed some extra pounds without damaging your body's systems or your relationship with food!


Supplements can support a sound training and nutrition plan, but they're not magical pills that will do all the work for you. If your diet and training is nailed down, you can utilize supplements to nudge your progress in the right direction!


**The information was all provided by bodybuilding. com**


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