
10 New Wedding Trends to Watch for in 2018-Part Two!

If you're planning a wedding in 2018, you've got something to be real excited about! We always love timeless touches because they will never go out of style. However, we really want you to consider some of these trends that are slowly getting bigger. They are definitely unique trends.  

Marble Dance Floors: Texture will reign supreme even on the ground! Marble floors are going to be all the rage this year. Just be sure to take an aerial photo to capture your guests twirling on the swirled marble.

Dogwood Bouquets: Bridal bouquets have been lush and wild for some time now, but it will be all about one "overgrown" variety in particular: dogwood. 

Colored Candles: There's no better way to add vintage romance to your big day than with statement candelabras. However, a great way to add something unique is having those candles colored. 

Creative Place Cards: Place cards are about to take a creative (and delicious!) turn. The new year will showcase creative place cards into the event's aesthetic. They could be edible or made with unexpected items, such as plants or vases. The macaron place card seen—kept fresh by the sweetest mini-cloche—is the perfect example. 

Potted Plants in Aisles: "We love the idea to pay homage to an English garden by using potted plants. The pots themselves can be wrapped in gorgeous fabrics to hide the pot and create a harmonious decor that blends with the environment.

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10 New Wedding Trends to Watch for in 2018-Part One!

If you're planning a wedding in 2018, you've got something to be real excited about! We always love timeless touches because they will never go out of style. However, we really want you to consider some of these trends that are slowly getting bigger. They are definitely unique trends.  

Living Bars: It's completely a new trend, but a wonderful one! Couples are transforming their bars with more grand decor like foliage. 

Small Wedding Parties: Since 2017, we are seeing brides choosing smaller and smaller wedding parties. 

After Party: While you shouldn't ever replace your reception, but we are seeing more brides throwing big after parties. 

Moody Colorful Colors: The mood will be darker, moody, textured, and detailed florals. Shades of purple is going to be big this year. Think of wines, lavenders, lilac, etc. 

Textured Linens: Laser cut linens are going to be all the rage this season. 


Translucent Touches: Couples are beginning for a more modern, clean, and translucence items. Clear tends are going to be huge this year. 


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Q&A with Blush & Glow!

1. What is the key to long lasting bridal makeup? 

We have a special technique we have created but to answer in short – Layering products and using waterproof formulas


2. If you had to have one item a bride must use throughout the day to keep looking fresh what would it be?

It really depends on their skin type. Oily skin – blotting sheets are helpful but I would say having a lipstick would be the one item.


3. What's your favorite item to experiment on brides?  

Lashes. They make a huge difference in pictures. Especially our mink lashes


4. What made you create your own cosmetics line? What did you feel was missing in the market?

In our 12+ years of working in the beauty industry we were constantly delving into countless brands to find the best products to achieve the most flawless long lasting looks on our clients.  But the products were often labeled as stage makeup or felt very thick or heavy.  So we saw a need for a makeup line that was quick to apply, lasted all day, and felt comfortable on. All of our Blush and Glow products were designed with this idea is mind. They are high pigment, high def products made for the professional woman.


5. What do you believe is going to be the biggest makeup trend for 2018? 

Gold Glitter and highlighter! 


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